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Ankle Sprain

This common injury can range in severity from a simple strain to a debilitating ligament rupture with associated fracture of the bones of the shin, ankle and foot.  Ankle sprains can occur during a wide range of scenarios from rolling your ankle on the edge of a pathway, to a stumble at work, to an elite athlete sustaining an impact injury on the field.  Whatever your individual case, it is important to have your injury assessed and properly diagnosed by either a doctor or physiotherapist.

You can choose which practitioner you see first and the benefit of walking through the doors at GO2 Health is that you have access to both professionals under the one roof.  Once you make an appointment, your therapist will assess your injury and advise you on the best course of investigation and treatment based on your individual circumstances.

Ankle Injuries

Lateral ankle injuries are certainly the most common and this usually involves the ATFL (anterior talo-fibular ligament) and/or PTFL (posterior talo-fibular ligament).  Other injuries include syndesmosis injury (or high ankle sprain), deltoid ligament sprain, avulsion fractures of the distal fibular…..just to name a few.

Ankle treatment

Once your injury is assessed with objective measures, physical testing and scans if required, treatment will begin immediately to start you on the road to a speedy recovery.  At GO2 Health, your treatment will usually be led by a physiotherapist.  It is our experience that combining a range of therapies is extremely effective.  You can expect your treatment to include a range of manual techniques, advice and exercise prescription that will change as your rehabilitation progresses.  With a range of allied health professionals under one roof, you have access to acupuncturists to speed the healing process and later, exercise physiologists to get you back to peak performance.

What can you do now to help? 
